Saturday, January 9, 2010

The boys are back in town!

Hopefully the boys didn't party too hard after back to back wins, but who could blame them if they did? The win in Edmonton was a relief, but that win in Calgary felt damn good!

It's too early to say if things have turned around for this team but it is enough to say that the CBJ have given me a new hope, a new belief and a new reason to love them even more than I already do. If I could freeze frame some of the looks on their faces after the final horn last night I'd etch them into my mind and make them my happy place because that, to me, as a fan, is the best feeling in the world.

Sunday will bring a new challenge to meet and overcome, but I will be sitting right there in the arena rooting them on along with my CBJ posse! Here's to hopin' we pack the house!


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